January 24, 2020
St. Luke’s, friends and family:
This Sunday, following the 10AM Family Eucharist, is our Annual Meeting. The primary purpose of this meeting, according to the governing documents of the church, is to elect new members to the vestry. We’ll do that. I am very excited that our nominating committee has put forth Doug O’Dell and Chris Peirce as candidates.
Both gentlemen served on the Rector Search Committee and have raised children at St. Luke’s. Chris, himself, was baptised and confirmed here and Doug began attending St. Luke’s nearly 30 years ago. He now brings his granddaughter to church. There will be two vestry openings this year and we look forward to having them occupied by willing, capable and kind parishioners. Vivian Smith and Andy Baltz are stepping down and I want to thank them for their leadership and their friendship: thank you Viv and Andy.
Turns out the Annual Meeting is a lot more than just electing church leaders. It's a great opportunity to learn about our parish ministries, meet the people who manage those ministries and discover how you can help. You will have the chance to review our budget for 2020 and see how your pledge dollars support the life and work of the parish. Committee reports are presented so that members of St. Luke’s can be made aware of work that has been done and the work that we aspire to do. I will also have the opportunity to share with you my joys of the past 7 months and my hopes for the future.
Last, but certainly not least, we can all enjoy a community potluck lunch together. The anticipation of a delicious meal with great people always expedites the meeting! Please bring a dish of your favorite food to share and join in the life and fellowship of St. Luke’s.
Your brother in Christ,