November 01, 2019
St. Luke’s, friends and family:
Greetings from Kentucky!
I can only imagine the hustle and bustle around the kitchen and parish hall today. In my mind's eye, I see apple pressing, decorating, arranging raffle baskets, preparing the sandwich board, hanging bags of spices and settings out the jars of preserves that have been piling up on the stage. I can see the faithful folk of St. Luke’s busy working for our largest fundraising event; fuel for our mission in the world.
In truth, I wish I could be two places at once, but that’s for a higher pay grade! While I’m certainly sorry that I won’t get first grabs at the Unique Boutique or the Country Kitchen (could you set aside some lemon marmalade and tomato jalapeno relish?) the thing I’m sorry to miss the most is the camaraderie and community building - I believe real relationships are formed over working together with our hands. I also imagine that things can get tense (it happens when people care) but you know our love can be refined in the heat of the kitchen!
I look forward to being back home, hearing about the Bazaar (who won the quilt?) and seeing you all. Our supply priest this Sunday is Fr. Fred Miller, from Port Washington. Please note, there will be no 8AM service, the regular schedule will resume next week.
Fr. Jesse