October 10, 2019 by Jesse Lebus
Greetings St. Luke’s, friends and family!
Early this past Sunday, around 6:30AM, I strolled up and down Sea Cliff Avenue, watched the sunrise and spoke to vendors and Kiwanis volunteers getting ready for the 50th Sea Cliff MiniMart. I was in my collar, and as is usually the case before an outdoor event, I was asked to “put in a word to the Big Guy for some good weather.” My response: “Sorry, I’m in sales, not management.”
A large part of our call as faithful Christians is, in a sense, sales. As members of St. Luke’s we are invited to support our common life, buildings and mission by selling hats at MiniMart or jams, spices and cider at the Fall Bazaar. As members of the greater body of Christ, though, we are called to make a pitch for Jesus in support of his Kingdom on earth!
We want people to come to an understanding that through Christ Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, they are known and loved by God. We want people to have faith and trust in God: Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier! So how do we do it? To continue the “worldly” theme: what’s our sales tactic?
There’s a saying that’s attributed to St. Francis, “Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words when necessary.” As a young person, I was always talking the talk without walking the walk. The constant refrain from my parents: “Actions speak louder than words.” As a parent myself now, I am often reminded that my young children learn much more from seeing what I do than listening to what I say.
The best approach to encouraging our neighbors to consider Christ (or come and visit St. Luke’s, however you want to look at it) is to be Christians. “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35
When we live our faith in this community - when we love one another, when we are kind, when we are firm in our principles, when we stand up for justice - it does not go unnoticed. The parishioners of St. Luke’s make-up, roughly, 4% of the population of this village. That’s not small.
I am proud to see how members of this parish engage in the community; exercising the values that are rooted in their faith. From working the booth at MiniMart or helping to make Hempstead Harbor ecologically sustainable, to serving at the Altar on Sunday mornings or volunteering at hospitals and soup kitchens. We do a lot. Its no wonder people are peeking their head in the door on Sunday morning!
Keep up the good work!
Fr. Jesse