Search Commitee News (August 2018)

    August 01, 2018 | The Shepherd

    Let the Lord your God show us where we should go and what we should do. – Jer.42:3

    When we started out on our search for the next Rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church our diocesan liaison, the Canon Clair Woodley, strongly recommended that our Vestry and Search Committee members read the book Grounded in God. This book provided us with guidance that would lead us to engage in a spiritual discernment process that would ultimately help us to discover God’s will for our St. Luke’s family as we moved toward the selection of our next Rector.

    Listening to God paired with our strong belief in being inclusive and a history of shared leadership at St. Luke’s has led us in positive directions as we have continued our search activities over this summer.

    The Canon Clair Woodley and our Interim Rector the Reverend Dr. Charles R. Colwell continue to provide us with guidance. The vestry and search committee have continued to refine our Parish Profile and have polled our congregation to identify the most important aspects of life at St. Luke’s and the qualities we value in a rector. This discernment oriented search process has helped us to clearly ascertain who we are and where we want to go as a church community.

    All that we have learned about ourselves has now been incorporated into an incredible new website for St. Luke’s. Development of this website started out as a tool for us to share information with potential candidates for our open rector position. It has turned out to be a vehicle for us to share our collective values, beliefs, hopes and aspirations.

    Many people contributed ideas for the development of this website which will now serve as the primary source of information about St. Luke’s. The hard work of pulling together and professionally presenting these ideas has been provided by our Office Manager Debra Thoet and website developer Austin Smith. We are all so very grateful for all that Debra and Austin have done to produce this wonderful website.

    Please visit our website at and share it with your family and friends.

    We are now ready to work directly with the Diocesan Office of Transition Ministry to begin active search recruitment activities. We expect that candidates will begin applying this Fall.

    Doug O’Dell

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