Every Wednesday, from 12/07/2022 to 12/21/2022, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Wednesdays starting at Noon - 1pm
Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21.
Love as Go Loves. It is said that the Desert Fathers saw in these words the goal of human life. How do we move toward that goal?Each year the season of Advent invites our appreciation both of the progress made on the way and the path lying ahead. This is tandem-work: God’s and ours. We wait in faithfulness to the God of Advent. What gifts do we receive in our waiting?
November 30. We wait for TRUTH. If truth is to be found in the world, it must first be recognized within. What is your truth?
December 7. We wait for FREEDOM. The forces that bind us are often obvious. Where is our liberation found?
December 14. We wait for PEACE. In the heart and around the planet, violence roars. When do we live in peace?
December 21. We wait for JESUS. The infant of Bethlehem may appear far away and long ago. Even the Cross may seem an ancient artifact. How do we meet Jesus this Advent and through the year?
Leader: The Rev. Dr. John McGinty, currently Rector of the Church of Saint Matthew in Worcester, Diocese of Western Massachusetts, and former Canon for Formation and Dean of the Mercer School in the Diocese of Long Island.
Zoom details and reading assignments will be sent via confirmation email.
Wednesdays starting at Noon - 1pm
Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21.
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Any questions: Email
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