7PM - The Way of the Cross

Every Friday, from 02/26/2021 to 03/26/2021, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The Way of the Cross

Fridays in Lent (beginning Feb. 26)
7PM in the Church

The season of Lent calls us grow in new and deeper ways into the fullness of Christ. The Way of the Cross imitates the practice of visiting the places of Jesus' Passion in the Holy Land by early Christian pilgrims. This weekly offering, provides an opportunity to make this spiritual pilgrimage, walking with Jesus from his condemnation to the tomb. The first stations outside Palestine were built in Bologna in the fifth century and this devotion was encouraged by the Franciscans, becoming common in the fifteenth century. 

CLICK HERE to watch the service live.
To follow along with the stations, CLICK HERE to see the program.

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