Every Thursday, from 02/29/2024 to 03/21/2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Lenten Lunch Group: The Gospel of Mark
Thursdays at Noon from February 29th through March 21st
The Gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four Gospels and it is also the earliest written. It is swift and at times intense. Focusing much more on what Jesus did rather than what he said - its themes, language and approach are unique among the Gospels.
For this year’s Lenten Study program we will listen to the Gospel of Mark as read by actor David Suchet at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London in 2017. Each of the four sessions will be dedicated to 30 minutes of listening and 30 minutes of discussion. We will use Marcus Borg’s “Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Mark” and the accompanying study guide to add to our conversations.
The sessions are at noon on Thursdays and participants are invited to bring their own lunch. Coffee will be provided.
As a Lenten exercise, everyone is encouraged to find two hours to listen to this recording of Mark’s Gospel in it's entirety. Rarely do we have a chance to encounter an entire Gospel text without interruption.
Below is the schedule and location of the sessions. There are also links to Suchet’s reading, used copies of Borg’s book, as well as an online copy of the accompanying study guide.
Thursday, Feb. 29 at St. Luke’s, Sea Cliff
Thursday, Mar. 7 at Trinity, Roslyn
Thursday, Mar. 14 at St. Luke’s
Thursday, Mar. 21 at Trinity
David Suchet reading The Gospel of Mark
Used copies of “Conversations with Scripture: The Gospel of Mark” by Marcus Borg
Free Study Guide (PDF) for Borg’s book.