Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
There are many opportunities to get involved here at St. Luke's. We are always looking for those wishing to volunteer to help with our Sunday Services, as well as our community & children's ministries.
Acolytes Coordinator: Lanie Ganzenmuller
Acolytes participate in the procession and assist at the altar for weekly Sunday services and for special services such as weddings, funerals, and ordinations. We welcome all (ages 10 and older) who would like to serve in this important role. Training and cool robes are provided.
Altar Guild Coordinator: Ginnie Treiber & Lanie Ganzenmuller
The Altar Guild prepares the altar for Sunday and special services. They arrange the altar flowers each week and care for the altar linens, candles, vestments, and other items used for services. Helping times are flexible.
Choir Coordinator: Victoria Iannacchino
There are so many opportunities for you to share your love of God through music during our worship services. Our choir performs at the Family Service each week. They practice on Wednesday evenings.
Coffee Hour Coordinator: Holly Schuessler
After our 10:00AM service, we gather together in our Parish Hall for an hour of fellowship. Our parishioners take turns making the coffee and providing light snacks.
Counters Coordinator: Debra Thoet
After the 10:00 am Service, our dedicated group of counters organize and count the offertory after the services.
Farmer's Market Table Coordinator: Kristine Janusas
Our volunteers for the Farmer's Market hand out brochures and offer a plant raffle at the Farmer's Market in front of St. Luke's, Summer Saturdays between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm.
Flower Delivery Coordinator: Dorothy Holohan (Lennon)
After 10:00 am service, those that volunteer deliver flowers to chosen person.
Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers Coordinator: Nigel Hawkins
Our Lay Readers read the Old and New Testament lessons during our Sunday services. Many of our Lay Readers have been certified as Lay Eucharistic Ministers. Lay Eucharistic Ministers administer the bread and wine at worship services and to those who are home-bound or otherwise unable to attend church services. They may also visit and share the sacrament with members of the congregation who were unable to be present at the celebration because of illness or infirmity.
Nursery Volunteers Coordinator: Kristine Janusas
Our Nursery is staffed with teen parishioners who entertain our youngest parishioners so their parents can relax and enjoy the service.
Sunday School Coordinator: Laura Franco & Kristine Janusas
Children have a special place at St. Luke's. Gifted Sunday school teachers, all of them members of our congregation, take great care in teaching the children about our faith. There are a variety of activities for young and older children, including community outreach programs and our beloved Christmas Pageant.
Ushers Coordinator: John Nagy
Our Ushers greet and welcome the congregation and assist with their seating. They distribute the worship bulletins and are available to assist the congregation with any situational problems which might arise. They collect the offerings during the service and tidy the pews at the end of the service.
Lay Pastoral Care Coordinator: Dorothy Holohan
This ministry offers a time of communion, prayer, and fellowship to our home-bound, nursing home residents or hospitalized parishioners who cannot attend church. Lay ministers may also bring communion to those in need.
Thrift Shop Coordinator: Bea Francis
Our Thrift Shop is open from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm each Tuesday from September through June. Our dedicated group of Thrift Shop Volunteers receive and sort through donated clothing and staff the shop.
Vestry Coordinator: Nancy H. Rose & Lanie Ganzenmuller
The Vestry is the legal representative of the Parish in all matters concerning its corporate property and the relation of the Parish to its Clergy. The Vestry is responsible for or has input into temporal affairs, financial management, property management, personnel management, program oversight and development, as well as providing input into worship & liturgy, education and pastoral concerns.
Worship Committee Coordinator: N/A
The Worship Committee works with our Rector in preparing the elements for communion, decorate the church for special services and seasons, invite guest speakers and ask members to assist with worship. In addition, we discuss and evaluate our worship together as a congregation, and to make proposal to the Rector about our worship needs.