
Grouped by: Jesse Lebus

    A Letter from the Rector - September 5, 2019
    09.05.19 | by Jesse Lebus

    Greetings St. Luke’s, friends and family!July 7th, 2019 was my first Sunday as the Rector of St. Luke’s. Just two short months ago. In no way did I anticipate it as much as this coming Sunday! September 8th has ascended as a prominent...

      A Letter from the Rector - August 29, 2019
      08.29.19 | by Jesse Lebus

      Greetings St. Luke’s, friends and family!"Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." Matthew 19:14The presence of children, youth and young adults is a crucial...

        A Letter from the Rector - August 15, 2019
        08.15.19 | by Jesse Lebus

        Greetings St. Luke’s, friends and family!You know what you call a book club that’s been stuck on one book for years? Church. I know, I know, it’s corny, but it’s this very sentiment that has inspired me to introduce...

          A Letter from the Rector - August 22, 2019
          08.08.19 | by Jesse Lebus

          Greetings St. Luke’s, friends and family! It feels like August. It’s humid with periodic thunderstorms. Baseball teams and school kids are getting antsy, anticipating Autumn. Sea Cliff is sleepy and many folks are still on summer...

            A Letter from the Rector - August 1, 2019
            08.01.19 | by Jesse Lebus

            Greetings St. Luke’s, friends and family!As much rest as we're getting and as much fun as we're having at the beach this week (that's Cooper's Beach in the photo), I look forward to being back with you all on Sunday. August is a popular...

              A Letter from the Rector - July 25, 2019
              07.25.19 | by Jesse Lebus

              Greetings St. Luke’s, friends and family! The truth of the matter is: I’m not a theologian. Not in any academic way, for sure. The ways I think about God, the words I use when talking about God, I didn’t really learn from books...

                A Letter from the Rector - July 17, 2019
                07.17.19 | by Jesse Lebus

                To the members of St. Luke’s, friends and family: As a college student, interested in photojournalism, I wanted my camera to take me places. I wanted to go to far away lands, discover fascinating people and events, and - through text and...

                  A Letter from the Rector
                  07.03.19 | by Jesse Lebus

                  I heard recently that the process of transformation can be illustrated by imagining three boxes, all set in a row. The first box represents order, the second box disorder, and the third box reorder. To move from order, through disorder and into...
